Every now and then there are little things that will bring the memories flooding back like they happened just yesterday...and one just happened to crop up at work...
My coworkers and I were talking about music yesterday morning and started talking about how FANTASTIC David Gray is, so I decided to put him on shuffle on my ipod. Suddenly, 'Babylon' came on and it was as if I was sitting in the lobby of Mardyke after a night of climbing, listening to it for the first time on Lindsey's ipod. I could feel all of the feelings I felt while I was there - the happiness, excitement, and joy of finally being able to be myself; the thrill of hiking and climbing; and the peacefulness of being able to breathe for a semester. It made me want to go back...
Now, I know that I could never go live over there again...there is too much tying me to the states now, but I think Im finally ready to go visit. Hopefully within the next 5 years I will make it back. I would love to see Dave, Tom, JC, Askea, Declan and Brad (and anyone else that is still around) again; see UCC and wander around Cork, climb Carranthoul again and maybe do the Reeks Ridge, just be back 'home'.
My co-workers laughed when I told them that where ever I go in this world, Cork will always be my true 'home'. Im happy being back in the States, dont get me wrong, but a part of me is and always will be in Cork. There is just no way of explaining it to someone who hasnt been there...its just a magical, magical place! :)